Hi, I discovered a leak from a nut that connects the stop valve to the plastic section of the water inlet to the cistern of my downstairs toilet.
The arrow in the first image shows where there was a lot of PTFE tape, there was also some on the plastic thread.
The arrow in the second image points to where I believe the water is leaking from.
There was no washer, is it just a case of getting a washer? If so how do I find out what size I need and what material it should be made from.
The arrow in the first image shows where there was a lot of PTFE tape, there was also some on the plastic thread.
The arrow in the second image points to where I believe the water is leaking from.
There was no washer, is it just a case of getting a washer? If so how do I find out what size I need and what material it should be made from.