4. Gas Alert

Gas Alert Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a convenient and safe source of energy, increasingly used to power appliances around the home and garden. The gas is butane or propane stored under pressure to keep it liquid. A small leak can produce a large amount of highly inflammable gas and if it ignites, the result […]

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5. Storing Ladders Safely

Safe Keeping Always store ladders in a covered, ventilated area, protected from the weather and away from too much dampness or heat. Ladders can fall if stored vertically, so take particular care. If possible, secure the top (with a bracket, for instance). Never hang a ladder vertically from a rung. Don”t store a ladder in

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5. Ladder Safety

Rungs to success Falls are the most common cause of accidents at home. Ladders need to be used with caution and handled carefully. Do not struggle with an extension ladder on your own. Get help. Remember the leaning ladder rule: position the foot of the ladder one measure out for every four measures in height.

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6. Buying and Hiring

Introduction Hiring tools is an economic option to buying equipment we might use only once. There certainly is plenty of choice these days but what happens if you have never used a floor sander or a commercial paint stripper before? The hire shop should explain to you how to use the equipment. If it does

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7. Gardening without tears

Practical Matters Around half a million people are injured and 50 killed in their gardens each year. Heads, hands and feet are most at risk. Give a thought for safety when tending your pride and joy. Pay attention when using equipment, especially if it is electrical. Ensure cables run behind equipment, never cut towards a

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8. If there is an accident

Don’t be a DIY disaster Following the advice given here will help you avoid serious accidents but even the most careful worker can suffer injury. In case you need First Aid, here is a reminder of some basic First Aid help. KEEP CALM You will be of little help if you are panicking. Assess the

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Do it safely in the garden

Introduction PRACTISE SAFE GARDENING BY FOLLOWING THESE RULES, AND YOU CAN MAKE YOUR GARDEN A HAZARD-FREE ZONE. A garden should be a fun and safe place for the whole family. However it can also be full of unexpected dangers – around half a million people were injured in their gardens last year, and one person

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Keep danger locked away

Introduction Relaxing in the garden during the long hazy days of summer is something we all enjoy. However, a source of danger lurks menacingly close by in many gardens, threatening the whole family. To the unsuspecting, it is all too easy to catch a finger on unprotected gardening equipment or trip over a rake or

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Replacing a damaged ceramic tile

Replacing a tile Use a pointed tool to scrape out the grout surrounding the damaged tile. Starting at the centre of the tile use a hammer and chisel to chip out the tile slowly and carefully. By taking care and working slowly, the surrounding tiles should remain securely fixed. Once removed, scrape out the old

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