
Washable Fabrics Remove as much as possible of the egg. Soak in biological detergent dissolved in lukewarm water, this will usually remove egg stains. If stain remains treat with a cleaning solvent. Wash as normal. Non Washable Fabrics Remove as much as possible, then lightly dab with washing up liquid in lukewarm water. If stain

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Transom Lock

Transom Lock A transom lock is used on a metal transom window. A key is used to clamp down the metal stay to a fixed location bracket. The locks are easy to fit and cheap to buy. They are not a permanent fixture, but essential for basement or ground floor windows which are easily accessible.

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Papering ceilings

Ceilings The techniques required for papering a ceiling are the same as for papering a wall. You are more likely to be dealing with longer lengths rather than more difficult sections containing pieces to cut out for windows, switches and plugs. Papering a ceiling hides an uneven plaster surface. It can be transformed into a

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Choosing wallpaper

Types of wallpaper Anaglypta is a white, thicker relief paper with an embossed pattern. It is then painted over with either emulsion or resin based paint. It is an ideal covering for a poor surface as it disguises many lumps and bumps. The decoration can be changed with extra coats of paint. Flock wallpaper has

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Replacing internal doors

Reasons to replace an internal door There can be many reasons for deciding to change an internal door apart from it needing repair or re-painting. The fitting may be poor allowing draughts to enter the rooms, through gaps at the bottom or sides of the door. The door could be unfashionable and not match your

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Enamel Paint

Washable Fabrics Remove as much as possible using kitchen towels or a dry cloth. Treating from the back of the fabric, use paint remover carefully to ensure stain does not spread. Once stain has gone and fabric is dry, wash as normal. Non Washable Fabrics Dry-clean immediately. Carpets and Furnishings Remove as much as possible

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Washable Fabrics Using undiluted liquid detergent gently rub into stain, rinse off. If stain persists use a stain remover then wash as normal. Non Washable Fabrics Dry-clean. Carpets and Furnishings Carefully use a stain remover, followed by appropriate shampoo.

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Maintaining Gutters

Clearing the gutter Whatever the material used for guttering, an accumulation of material such as leaves dirt or other debris washed off the roof can lead to a blockage in the system. Regular annual inspections often show an accumulation of material, which can be removed with a scraper or trowel. At the junction of the

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Salad Dressings

Washable Fabrics Mop up as much as possible with kitchen towels or dry cloth. Apply neat washing-up liquid into stain, then sponge off with hot water. Repeat until stain is removed. Wash in the hottest temperature the article will take. Non Washable Fabrics Mop up as much as possible with kitchen towels or dry cloth.

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