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  • wonder if you can help me, you seem like a professional. I am having my new build rendered soon, every builder i ask seems at a loss when i mention rib lath, its on our plans, but they dont seem to recognise it. what mix should they use for the scratch coat, and how does it not fall through to the void. any help would be gratefully received.
    Hi roughcasted,

    I stay in a two bed semi and it is painted. Can you roughcast over painted roughcast. My house was build in 50s and am in killie.
    Hi roughcaster just a quick question i am a plasterer but its been a while since i tyroleaned a job it has already had some form of rough cast render on it and its on top of expanded metal sheets its a creamy cullamix like k rend not paint but some of the top coat not render is flaking and a few surface cracks have appeared but it is somewhat 15 years old i was thinking of grinding out the cracks filling any blown render topping with a waterproof white sand cement slurry and tyrolening over the smooth coat can i have your thoughts many thanks craig.
    Hey roughcaster do you know how many bags of plaster i'll need to float and set 10 houses??

    Only joking!!! HA!

    Thanks for the add ;)

    Rereading your advice you show off with scratch coat/ cement render well that's what I want as the wall has that on it now, all be it very old, how do I go about it? Is it the 5:1:1 I've seen posted? And why showing off?
    Thanks alot for your comment roughcaster. The encouragement is nice! I know things will pick up eventually, but ive had so little work its very disheartening.

    I see all your comments on here and i really respect your knowledge and obvious skill.

    Thanks roughcaster.

    Keep well. Greg.
    I've left an updater to my doorway plastering mission and will update with some pictures soon.
    Happy new year to you and yours

    Your advice please. I added a comment to the pastering forum about my doorway. it has "popped" on the last coat of render. it has got a hollw sound to it when it is tapped with a metal object. a close inspection reveals an area about 10 inches or so that has a lot of tiny cracks in the surface. and appears to have a small amount of lift, compared to the rest of that skin, stretching from the top right hand corner across to the middle section at roughly head height.
    Do I leave it alone and plaster over it (bodge it and leggit stlye) or carefully chip it back to good render and do it again?
    I am a newbie to this site and plastering in general and I recently did a complete hallway/stairwell, only ever having done patch repairs before this. I boxed in the stairwell drop and even boxed in some pipes and electrical conduit. No-one told me you can't plaster over wood, but even plaster will stick when mixed with enough PVA glue...

    However, I have a new problem someone here can help me with: Cement render to a bricked up doorway. I closed it up and the existing wall dressing is cement and plaster topcoat, so I thought I would give it a go.

    PVA 50/50 to bare brick - leave to dry. Mix up 5/1 sand/cement. Sloppy mix. Like double cream but not as runny.

    Applied to wall in 25mm coat. one hit. top to bottom. some places thicker others thinner. My brickwork not brilliant.

    After about 30 minutes the whole lot fell off.

    Mixed up new mix and ditto.

    Advice needed very quickly 'cos tempers are volatile...

    Advice with this job or shall I buy some thistle and go that way?
    I left RNAS Lossiemouth in 68,now restoring an old house in Germany,would like to remenise! how can I contact you? Thanks for the posts,leaning all the time!
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