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  • Hi Jason,

    I've just come across your post regarding the possible AIB board to the ceiling you're currently working on. As an asbestos specilast, to answer your queries, AIB was used extensively on buildings from the 1950s onwards, commonly on ceilings, walls and door panels. Although unlikely to be accompanied with a paper lining on either side, it could still possibly be AIB. Without seeing a picture, it is hard to say.

    I work for a company that provides asbestos surveys, removals and samples. If you wanted confirmation, we can come and have a look at it for you. If required, we can take a sample and get it tested so you know for sure. With asbestos, it's better being safe than sorry! From your profile I can see you are in Bedfordshire- we are based in Flitwick, so nice and local if you do need any assistance.

    For more information or if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

    Kind regards,
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