Recent content by rancher1

  1. rancher1

    Leveling Bowed Floor

    Maybe. What's a floating floor?
  2. rancher1

    Leveling Bowed Floor

    The floor joists on our old two story ranch house dining room were badly bowed -- a two inch drop or more on each end. A bathroom off one side was 2 1/2 inches lower. We added a foundation and more beams to support the ends and researched how to level the subfloor. We looked at planing the...
  3. rancher1

    Bowed floors, suggestions for leveling off?

    The floor joists on our old two story ranch house dining room were badly bowed -- a two inch drop or more on each end. A bathroom off one side was 2 1/2 inches lower. We added a foundation and more beams to support the ends and researched how to level the subfloor. We looked at planing the...