Help with patio made from reclaimed bricks

22 Jan 2021
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United Kingdom
Hello all

I’m laying a patio in an old traditional walled garden and have a lot of very old reclaimed type bricks I would like to use for it.

I have levelled the area and have bulk bags of MOT sub base and sharp sand for the bed to lay the bricks onto much as you would for block paving. Membrane to go on first for weed prevention.

My challenge is that the bricks, being old, are of inconsistent size. I’ve ruled out herringbone as I think it would be a nightmare because of this, so just regular staggered bricks for the layout which I’m hoping will be easier.

What would you suggest for between the bricks given the variable gap size? Sand or mortar?

Any other tips?
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I did a old brick patio before and used sika fastfix resin as the jointing compound, although its a tad expensive, that said you can get out of date pots from FBM cheap.

That said I would probably do the next in a dry mix of sand and cement brushed in, if the joints are large you could ram the mix in with a brick jointer to make it compact as you go along.

Recently set some brick edgings on a mix of 1:8 cement:sharp sand, no water in the mix (yes, did mean 8 sand) and was surprised how strong it was a few days later, you could use similar for the jointing and use jointer to compact.

I'm sure others will have other methods.

Good luck, post some pics when you can, will be good to see it
Thanks for the reply. I've found a blog elsewhere of someone who did very similar and the results with sand between the bricks as per block paving look excellent so I'm boing with that. I think it will drain off better that way too. Will try and add some photos here as I go.

So far I've put down the membrane and shovelled a couple of tons of MOT onto it ready for compacting before adding the sharp sand base. Will be putting a layer of bricks round the edge secured with mortar before putting the rest in the middle.

Would welcome any other tips and suggestions along the way.
I did a old brick patio before and used sika fastfix resin as the jointing compound, although its a tad expensive, that said you can get out of date pots from FBM cheap.

That said I would probably do the next in a dry mix of sand and cement brushed in, if the joints are large you could ram the mix in with a brick jointer to make it compact as you go along.

Recently set some brick edgings on a mix of 1:8 cement:sharp sand, no water in the mix (yes, did mean 8 sand) and was surprised how strong it was a few days later, you could use similar for the jointing and use jointer to compact.

I'm sure others will have other methods.

Good luck, post some pics when you can, will be good to see it
Pretty much finished the patio a couple of months later. Took a long time because I jet washed every single brick, cleaned off all the old mortar, and had to cut a lot of them down to make the half bricks for some of the pattern. But I'm really pleased with the result. It's a really nice rustic look and the the grape vine has really taken to my new pergola as well!!!

Just the BBQ to build at the end and a bit of landscaping and turf to be laid off to the side now.


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Thanks for the update, you want to be happy with it, looks bloody good.
Nice to see something 'made' rather than just banging down some Indian Stone!

Suits your house.
Well done!! Looks great. Good on you for recycling those bricks...
I like the detail of that "West Wrotham" brick, I assume that was intentional.
It's actually "W&S Wrotham" - a local brick company (I live in Wrotham, Kent - these were found around the house and garden as were most of the bricks used. I can't find any record of "W&S" so not sure when the bricks were made but I would guess late 19th or early 20th century. I found about 7 of them and strategically placed them around the floor design.
Final update - patio laid, pergola built, BBQ area done (and used!) table made and turf down. All in all I'm pretty chuffed with myself as a complete amateur!


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