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  1. P

    Which Linux OS to use?

    Its pretty stable and runs well, but you might want to not install things like a mail server and more advanced server feaures. The reason I recommed fedora is its officially the test releases from Red Hat and has a pretty good GUI. also it comes in several flavours and I believe there is one...
  2. P

    Oil Stain on Non Gloss Painted Wall

    I believe the oil is "coconut oil". It was lying around in a bottle and I wanted to see how much was left and wrenched it open - result: splash over the wall. :cry:
  3. P

    Oil Stain on Non Gloss Painted Wall

    I recently spilled some oil on my house wall. The paint on the wall is rough non gloss (typical of apartments). I tried soaking it with wet cloth but not working. The stains look very ugly on the white wall and I would aprpeciate any advice. Thanks