batten lamp

  1. Brett2021

    DIY 1.5 meter Batten Light next to wardrobe

    I am keen to replace my Bayonet Caps light next to wardrobe with a Long batten light. I have troubles in finding right items. My needs are.. 1. I need Batten with wire connectors at the middle part of frame as my current light holder is the middle of room and want to have batten fixed...
  2. D

    Bayonet fittings: On their way to obsolence?

    Hi. Tempted by the offer (£2 a piece at ASDA) I bought 6 batten lamp holders by British General. Well made. But, have I been sensible? I mean, will bayonet fitting lamps still be able to be bought in the future, or are they on their way out to Edison Screw? Thanks.