build over

  1. M

    Builders built over man hole without doing a dig out. But they told us they had.

    Our extension was done in 2014. 3 metre extension on terrace property which had a drain running next to property. We were told they had to do a dig out and cover the man hole but when we recently replaced the decking with patio we discovered they did not do it. We now have rodent issues which...
  2. B

    Anglian Water - Build Over Agreement

    Hi, We recently had our planning permission granted for a single storey rear extension. Our extension will go out 3m (where the existing manhole current is) but our detached garage will be knocked down and converted to an “L shape” extension (where we propose to move the manhole next to). We...
  3. R

    Build- over rejection :( Advice appreciated!

    Hi all, Having a bit of a nightmare with Severn Trent. We applied for planning permission to build a new detached dwelling. ST were consulted during the planning phase and didn't object (they didn't respond at all). Planning permission was subsequently approved. Side note, when we bought our...