
  1. bettz1

    Cuprinol on sandstone patio

    Hi any advice on how to remove cuprinol drips off indian sandstone? White vinegar with stiff brush?
  2. JD2012

    Can I Varnish over Cuprinol Shed Treatment?

    Can I Varnish over Cuprinol Shed Treatment? My shed is painted with Cuprinol Forest Green. I repaint it once a year. I have noticed the Cuprinol around and on the door has been sort of scoured off with the rain. Could I paint varnish over it without stripping back to the wood? Thanks :)
  3. L

    Cuprinol garden shades

    Just wondered if anyone had used this product? I need to apply some touch ups on areas I missed. How can I get the paint to stick? It seems to run off atm
  4. L

    Cuprinol wood preserver

    I have just used this product over previously treated wood. It’s going past the stated 16 hours drying time (weather has been warm). Although I’ve seen 1-5 days mentioned also for drying. The surface is now really sticky and...
  5. R

    Can I apply Cuprinol Fence and Shed Protector with a Cuprinol Spray Gun?

    I have installed the second part (8 panels) of our fence and want to paint it "Golden Brown". I sprayed the last lot but cannot find this colour in their current range of sprayable paints. Can I apply Cuprinol Fence and Shed Protector with a Cuprinol Spray Gun? The blurb says apply 2-3 coats...