
  1. A

    consumer unit schematics for the outbuilding

    Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice regarding getting power to one of the outbuildings, it will be used as a small workshop. (around 20 sqm, lights, sockets, solar (over 3kw), some welding equipment, power tools). On schematics, this is marked as Outbuilding 2. (This is not yet built)...
  2. M

    EV charger

    Hi, Just a couple of questions on EV chargers. We already have a 7kW EV charger installed, the ENA form was used and SSEN upgraded the supply fuse to 100A. Now after a change of car, we need to change the charger for a different brand, still 7kW. Do we need to go through the whole process again...
  3. D

    Looped supply EV Charger Dilema

    I have plans to have an Easee 7kw EV charger installed. I sent info and picture to the installer and expect survey next week. I have recently discovered my supply looks to be looped. My DNO is Western Power and I know they unloop for free and put things back right. I have posted this in advance...