electric boiler

  1. D

    Gas or Electric. Which is best in today's energy crisis in your opinion?

    A quick question for you all: In this ongoing energy crisis, do you think gas or electric is the way to go? What are the pros and cons you're seeing in your day-to-day work? Do share some real-world experiences. Did you move to a green energy solution like a heat pump?
  2. B

    How to set timers on my electric boiler to heat the water?

    I have moved into a new apartment and it has an Aztec electric boiler and a Tempest water tank but I have no clue on how to use it. I have a thermostat for the radiators so that just clicks on when i turn the heating up however i would like to know how to set a timer on the water tank so that it...
  3. S

    Boiler making strange intermittent noises (see video link with sound)

    I have an electric boiler which has started making noises intermittently, which sound like it could be the pump into it. See this video to illustrate the noise it makes (the sound started up at the 17 seconds mark): It seems to do this every few minutes, occasionally very often, other times...
  4. emmaj34

    Strom electric boiler

    Hello, I moved into a new flat and have an electric Strom boiler for hot water and heating. The hot water is fine, but when i switch the heating on the temperature goes up and up and when it reaches 50 it switches the whole system off. the overflow light also goes on. I usually get a few...
  5. M

    Registering Unvented Hot Water cylinder (electric)

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with my conundrum. I had an electric, unvented hot water cylinder installed last year and the product was registered with the manufacturer. The installer had G3 qualification, which I've checked on Gas Safe register. Apparently though because the boiler is...
  6. KevinRussell

    How to calculate cost of Electric CH Boiler

    Hi Hyporthetical question: If I replaced my Gas CH Boiler with an Electric CH Boiler, how much would my Electric bill be? How do I calculate, using my existing gas usage, how much the equivalent Electric usage would cost? Any pointers would be great, Kevin
  7. Dpicker1

    Santon Premiere Plus Boiler HELP

    Hi we just moved to England and this is the boiler we have in our new apartment. A month has gone by, got our energy bill and it’s £350. Convinced we’ve got this on the wrong setting. Please help us!Image by Dpicker1 posted 11 Apr 2021 at 10:24 PM
  8. G

    High usage using Off-peak electric

    Hi everyone, was hoping for some expertise. I have no knowledge of anything in this post so please don’t laugh at me lol. Moved into a new flat (2 bed all electric no gas) and we have an economy 7 meter set up with an off peak system for the boiler and heating. I’ve never used this before and...
  9. F

    Looking for recomendation - Gas vs Electric heating

    Hi, I'll prefix all this with, whatever solution I go for, I will be getting qualified tradesmen to do it for me. I live in a 3 bed, 2 bathroom apartment that currently has a gas boiler with a storage water tank. This setup is 30 years old, and the boiler is a Ideal Mexico Super 2 CF80. The...
  10. P

    Electric boiler for hot water only, and removing all radiators

    Hi, The house I am buying is a 2 bed mid terrace, and is not on the gas network. The gas combi-boiler is run off LPG cylinders, and provides both hot water and heating. This is a direct system, and there is no storage tank. I am planning to go solar at some point in the future, and I want to...
  11. S

    Water underfloor heating system, using an electric boiler?

    I want install underfloor heating (UFH) and, apparently, because of the wooden floor boards we can’t use an electric UFH system, so we have to use a water system. But I don’t have a gas boiler to make hot water. There are electric boilers which apparently- according to google- will be ok for...
  12. A

    Mains water off, electric water heater left on

    Hi, i hope someone could help but my friends mind at ease. She is panicking because she has gone on holiday and turned the mains water off but her electric boiler is still on. Its on a timer and set to heat up the water in the tank every night. She is worried that with the water heating up...