extractor bathroom

  1. B

    Extractor Venting Question - Backdraught Damper for In-line?

    Upgrading my in-line extractor fan (ducted from ceiling in-take to soffit extract grille). A couple of questions: 1. If I'm using one of these with insulated flexible ducting to a soffit grille, do you think I need to bother with a backdraught damper flap like this in the duct? Anyone else get...
  2. C

    Wiring a bathroom extractor fan

    Hi all, Im sure this question has been asked before but i cant find a definitive answer. I am installing a new timed extractor fan in the bathroom. I want to spur off the light switch to a fused switch for the fan. The bathroom light switch doesnt have a neutral, so where would i get the...
  3. D

    SOLVED Old extractor fan has TNL; new only has NL

    Hi everyone! I’m replacing a broken extractor fan. It has three wires - T, N and L I understand this is because the old fan had a timer. My new fan only has N and L as it doesn’t have a timer. Do I need to: A) Put the mains N to the fan N and mains L to fan L, THEN put the mains T wire in...
  4. O

    Ventilating En suite - advice!

    Hi all My en suite (right of picture) is completely ‘internal’ - there’s no exterior walls. It’s right in the middle of my flat, and has zero ventilation. It’s a period conversion, I’m on the ground floor and there’s 2 flats above me, so venting ‘upwards’ isn’t an option. The closest...
  5. T

    Replacement inline extractor fan

    Hi all, the inline extractor fan in my shower recently gave up and I have now removed it and I strongly suspect it was installed when the house was built ~30yrs ago. Any thoughts on a suitable one-for-one replacement? Lablel picture attached and it is on the same switch as the shower light...
  6. F

    Extractor Fans (Bathroom) - New Build

    Hi All, I was hoping someone could give me some advise. Recently moved into a new build and having lived here for the past few months I kept wondering where the constant cold air was coming from and then it dawned on me; the bloody extractor fans they put in. There’s one in each bathroom...
  7. W

    Monsoon Extractor Fan Kit LED

    Hello, I've installed a Monsoon Extractor Fan kit today, all is up and running and everything is working with the exception of the LED. When I switch my lights on the other bathroom lights are working fine but the LED supplied with the fan is pulsing like a slow strobe. If you fiddle with the...
  8. W

    Difference between LS and LT - Extractor Fan

    Hello. Was wondering if anyone can help. Just had bathroom done and the fitter installed an inline Osily extractor which, quite frankly, is useless! So I've replaced it with a Manrose MF100T which is far better. However, the Osily has a N, L and LT connection. The Manrose has a N, L and LS...
  9. I

    Extractor Fan Issue

    Hi folks, The extractor fan for my en-suite has died, which has surprised me a touch, as the property was a new build when I moved in about three and a half years ago, and it's not had nearly as much use as the extractor fan above the main bathroom. The fan is situated in the loft above the...
  10. A

    bathroom venting through a chimney

    Hi all, Im turning my back bedroom into a bathroom and been scratching my head around how to get an extractor vent in as the external wall is over a lean-to roof and pebble dashed. The room used to have a chimney breast in it which has been removed by the previous owners, the chimney stack in...
  11. J

    Bathroom extractor pipe

    Please help, I’m borderline going crazy with this. We had a leak from the pipe that connects the en-suite bathroom pipe to the ceiling extractor fan. No tradesperson seems to want to touch the job and I don’t know which trade is even the night one. Iv had plumbers, electricians and even just a...
  12. L

    Brown liquid from extractor fan, unable to insulate duct - help!

    As winter months have hit, our extractor fan has begun splurting out brown liquid. We have put this down to condensation. Unfortunately the duct runs up through the loft, and our loft space is fully insulated with no walking space, so we're not really able to insulate it. Also, it goes up...
  13. S

    2 Extractor fans one ducting - is this ok?

    Hi guys, Looking to install 2 extractor fans within my bathroom and en-suite. Would it be ok to run both through the same ducting? They are the Xpelair C4TSR's so they have the built in back draft shutters. I was thinking if I give them about a 2m-3m run before joining at the main outlet from...
  14. S

    Can I add inline extractor/booster?

    Hi, I have a bathroom extractor fan connected a long run of ducting and it's not doing the trick. Can anyone see it causing a problem if I split the ducting and added an inline extractor - or a duct extractor booster - to give it enough oomph? Not sure if there's going to issues with...
  15. C

    VentAxia Svara help

    Hi Wondering if anyone has experience of a VentAxia Svara extractor? I bought one of the back of the review from CharlieDIY on YouTube. Fitted ok. but for love nor money can I find a setting that will turn it off. Each configuration I try defaults to trickle instead of off. On Youtube Charlie...
  16. M

    Help required for flat ventilation

    Hi All, I am currently having my bathroom refurbished. It is an ex council block of flats. The vent already in place appears to be a cover so not sure how this is meant to work i.e. extract steam. Also noticed that no other flat on the block appears to have an electric extractor fan. Can I...
  17. M

    Shower extractor fan

    Hi everyone, We've recently noticed some condensation patches on the edge of our ceiling. We've had damp proof treatment and a membrane put on the wall, and we assume the condensation is coming due to the blown rendering outside which is due to be fixed when we have it removed external...
  18. J

    Solution for condensation in a vertical Extractor flue? Spinner Cowl?

    Hi there, grateful for any advice. Live in a top floor flat where the bathroom extractor is mounted in the ceiling, with a flue pipe extending vertically about 0.75m, topped with a mushroom clowl. The extractor runs when bathroom lights are on, and on timer after the bathroom lights are...
  19. J

    Bathroom extractor fan off light fitting?

    Hi, hope you're all keeping well. We're having the bathroom ceiling boarded and skimmed next week but want to get the wiring sorted for an extractor fan to be fitted. The light fitting is accessible from the loft, but the switch is under some boarding that's a bit of a pain to be lifted. Is...
  20. L

    Bathroom extractors fitted but no timer

    Hi all We’ve had an unreliable spark in to fit two bathroom extractors with timers, however they come on with the lights but don’t stay on with the timer. Does anyone know if this is a wiring problem? The model is Vent Axia Silent Fan VASF100T. Wiring instructions...