flat roof insulation

  1. DanRobertsB

    Flat roof: new warm roof over old cold roof methodology and venting

    Hi I have an old flat roof which is failing. The roofers have stripped the felt and replaced some of the OSB. Underneath there's a (to my mind, not well constructed - e.g. gaps in insulation/no foil taping) cold roof, using PIR (I'd guess 75 or 100mm). The roofers have put on a VCL and PIR...
  2. T

    Warm or cold flat roof for concrete deck with overhang?

    Hi, I have a single-skin brick extension with a concrete flat roof from the 50s/60s that I’m getting re-covered. The concrete roof overhangs the exterior by 100-150mm. I’m trying to decide whether to go warm or cold roof. I originally thought warm but now I’m concerned about potential...
  3. DaveSheps

    Rubber tiles on a flat roof for Insulation

    Hi - newby - be gentle! I have a small (16m2) GRP flat roof- it’s in good order and perfectly serviceable - 100% waterproof and is a “cold roof” design - the problem is it’s very cold as the insulation in it is pretty crap. I don’t want to pull down the ceiling to add insulation (long story!)...
  4. _DCG_

    Insulation - Cost vs. Benefit - Walls or flat roof

    Hi, We live in a semi detached house built in 1949 which has a double storey side extension that was built in 1996 to add a garage and additional reception room on the ground floor, and a bedroom and bathroom upstairs. The bedroom and bathroom are above the garage, however the reception room is...
  5. H

    Warm roofing and GRP Fibreglassing Single Storey Flat Roof

    Looking for advice please. I've got a flat roof single storey bathroom that needs a new roof and I've looked at GRP Fibreglass as the route to go down. I also wanted to insulate the flat roof and have read all the advice stating that a warm roof is superior to a cold roof. If the Celotex for the...
  6. M

    new pitched and flat roof.....rat invasion

    i had a new roof installed 6 months ago. i have 2 areas where rats have gained access. the roofer said the roof is good quality and insists it was installed properly. i just didn’t t expect a new roof would be so easily chewed through so the rats can access . i have bait stations along the...
  7. Martin Spindlow

    Warm flat roof - 2 Decks?

    Hi all... hope you can help, I'm finding conflicting information online! I'm about to put a GRP warm flat roof on an outbuilding, I'm using 100mm PIR foil backed insulation and was wondering do I need a deck between the joists and insulation or only one above the insulation (the joists are at...
  8. T

    Insulating behind fascia board in between joists

    Hi all, I've just done my first flat roof and I've left noggins to pick up the Fascia's where the joists run parallel to the wall. The joists overhang at the front also for the fascia. The brickwork is two course higher on the outside so I could have a smaller fascia board by the time the warm...
  9. S

    Insulating Flat Roof - Extension to Old Bungalow

    Trying to insulate roof in 1970s extension to an old bungalow. Wondered if anyone else has come across a similar challenge / what you did please? The extension is for a quite small kitchen and bathroom - very cold in winter. As a refurb project, I’m resigned to not being to be able to meet...