help burglar alarm

  1. L

    Orisec CP-25

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice I prodominatly work on texecom but have installed a orisec system in my house. All was working fine until I tried to part arm and now my system only shows engineer working on site when I put my engineer code in I cannot get into...
  2. J

    Multiple Bells on Pyronix Euro 46

    Hello all, It’s been a long while since I fitted an alarm out, I’m usually sat behind a computer screen programming CCure - but anyway a family friend has asked for an alarm on their business. They want 4 bell boxes for some crazy reason, can this be done on a euro 46? If so how would you go...
  3. R

    Wiring a burglar alarm

    Hello, I have a burglar alarm that has been left partially set up for a long time. My PIRs are wired up (about 5), bell externally fitted and the key pad is in position - all wired by an electrician a few years back. I just don’t know how to finish it off. The panel looks like this Can...