hive 2 wiring advice reciever installation

  1. S

    Hive - zone valves, logic combi ESP1 35

    I have gone through every thread over the last few days and can’t find a definitive answer to my question so I do apologise for the millionth post. Is hive wired into the wiring on my boiler, or at the box of wiring by the zone valves? I only have a single hive, and only want to control the...
  2. S

    HIVE Control Wiring

    Hi, i'm hoping someone out there can help me. I have an old central heating system with a conventional boiler. Im trying to replace the control with a dual channel Hive unit but I'm a bit stumped on the wiring! The backbone for the control unit has two cables, one mains power (red, black and...
  3. Rocket_Jnr

    Hive Install-New Build

    Hi, Looking to install Hive Multizone into my new build property. Currently has 2 zones (upstairs/downstairs) Just looking for advice on the connections from the existing Heat Center JB to the 2 new Hive receivers for zone 1 & zone 2. See images for existing wiring. Labelled as: 7 - Down 8...
  4. xJames1999

    Hive Thermostat and Receiver

    Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Back story: I purchased a house with a 2020 Baxi 600 heat only boiler and it had the original 1980 danfos102 receiver/ timer and no thermostat, so thought I’d fit a hive system as they seemed good. The issue: The central heating comes on...
  5. W

    Hive install

    Hi there - looking for some help on hive wiring - I have an existing programmer that I can’t make any sense of the wiring on: The diagram on the existing timer doesn’t seem to match: I am trying to translate this to a single channel hive receiver. There is a wired thermostat in the hall that I...
  6. I

    Dual Hive Using For Combi

    Hello, I'm using a Dual Hive for Combi (I'm using this and not single because it got it soooo cheap ). I have researched as much as i can, before asking. Have I set this up correctly ? Hive = Boiler Earth = Earth N =Blue L = 230v Live Out 4: Heating On (NO) = 1 References used ...
  7. OwainOW

    Another st699 to hive thread

    Hi all, Sorry to add another thread but I’m looking for some help. I have installed a hive v3 water and heating replacing my old st699. This was prompted by removing the old thermostat that I thought wasnt working and doing nothing to find it was infact setting the heat of the house and plunged...
  8. E

    Hive install - Glowworm Xtramax HE

    Hi all, I’ve been looking to install Hive in a central heating system made up of: Glowworm Xtramax HE boiler Honeywell ST9100C timer Honeywell rotary thermostat (unsure model number) I’m not having much success as the wiring has me very confused. I’ve previously installed hive but never seen...
  9. Maniac5

    Wiring advice for replacing BDR91 with Hive single channel receiver - Vaillant ecoTEC pro 28

    Hi All I've just received my new Hive in the post today. I was hopeful that I'd be able to just swap the fronts from the BDR91 and the Hive receiver but (of course) life is never that simple! :-( I've had a good look through the forums and I can't see any advice that specifically relates to my...
  10. E

    Hive underfloor heating fitted incorrectly...?

    Can anyone offer any help with my Hive underfloor heating in my kitchen please? I have two hive zones. One for the house and one for the UFH in the kitchen. The UFH has a separate Hive receiver next to the UFH manifold and this is triggered by a Hive thermostat in the kitchen. When I boost...
  11. A

    Hive wiring help

    Hi, I am trying to connect Hive singer channel to my new boiler Wercster bosch greenstar 2000 30k, and I need your expertise help to get the wiring correctly. Attached photo for the boiler electrical boards and hive receiver. I believe my problem connecting the commn 1? I tried contacting...
  12. JmanUK

    Thermecon oil boiler and Hive duel channel controller

    Hello I am moving to a house that has a Thermecon oil boiler with time controller for hot water and heating and a thermostat. I want to take my hive heating duel channel controller but am looking for some advise on how to wire this into the Thermecon system please. Thank you for any help
  13. A

    Boss BR1 to Hive Active Heating wiring

    Hi all, Just get someone to double check my research into the wiring as planning to move to Hive (single channel). I have a Worcester 28i junior boiler with BR1) receiver (wall mounted - picture 1&2) & remote thermostat (BPS242RF) which is not working hence the heating system but still have...
  14. T

    Changing from Nest to Hive

    Hi everyone, I'm planning to change from Nest to Hive. I've read a few posts already (this one in particular was helpful) and I'm fairly confident I've got it right in my head, but a few things I want to check if you could help. Bit of background - we moved into a house with a system boiler...
  15. J

    Hive Heating Boiler Communication Issue

    I recently installed a Hive Active Wireless Heating package, but am having trouble with the system communicating with my combi boiler and would really appreciate some help. I'm not a certified electrician or plumber, but electrically competent, and think I'm 90% of the way there, but Hive won't...
  16. Idotry

    Thermostat wiring is blowing my mind

    Hey hey folks I’m hoping someone can help me out. I paid an electrician to come round and put in a new thermostat (hive) as part of a group of things I had done all at the same time. Only issue is that I can’t get the central heating to come on. When hive tries to switch on the heating.. I hear...
  17. T

    Hive Help please RWB7, SCR, RF3

    Hi sorry i’m new here but saw some Great advice. I have a new Hive system but I'm struggling to install, trying to replace an RWB7 (pic 1 and 2) with my Hive controller which is located on first floor but also have an SCR wireless receiver (pic 3 and 4) in garage (floor below) and an RF3 (pic5)...
  18. Hanbry1

    Hive Install

    Hi, I have today wired up the Hive thermostat, receiver and hub. Connected up the wires how they were on the old receiver and now the boiler is not working. Works from the main thermostat to receiver, but doesn’t action the boiler. Have now taken off the plate on the boiler and can see...
  19. R

    Hive installation

    Hello friends, I'm looking to install a Hive dual channel (for CH and HW) in place of my existing British Gas Model UP2 Programmer and WR2 Wireless Receiver. I've already looked at a number of posts on this forum, but found that the wiring in my installation is different from what I've seen, so...
  20. S

    Wiring to replace Geo Cosy with Hive Active Heating

    Hi all Desperate to replace the pretty rubbish Geo Cosy system that we got for free a few years ago when we switched our electric supplier with a nice new Hive system. I’m in a better place than most for this as we had a Worcester wireless thermostat originally and the engineer had to...