
  1. L

    Can you identify this? Sparkling grey dust found in kitchen.

    6 months ago I pulled out the washing machine and found this (see images) it’s a shiny, sparkling sort of grey dust. I have absolutely no idea what it is but I want to know what’s causing it. Then today, we are replacing the washing machine and it’s back just like in the images. Despite being...
  2. M

    Asbestos Identification

    Can anybody help ID this board I have lining the interior walls of my house. Essentially I want to know if I’m dealing with asbestos or not. House is two hundred years old so from an age perspective it could be asbestos based. It is tough as nails, breaks cleanly (although needing an almighty...
  3. N

    Unusual Bath Waste to Identify and Repalce

    Can anyone identify this bath waste I need to replace. It looks like a shower waste in the bottom of the bath, but it has an integrated plunger which is operated by a winder like a normal pop up waste, which is mounted on the bath deck. The overflow is hidden and works on a big inverted U bend...
  4. C

    Can anyone identify these shower door hinges please?

    Can anyone identify these shower door hinges please? Google doesn't know, and local bathroom and plumbing shops have no idea. I've looked for a manufacturer's mark, but seen anything. Please help!
  5. agulesin

    Help identifying Oil Pump...

    Dear friends, I've found an old (unused) oil pump in our shed. I thought it might be for a Land Rover as we've owned those previously but I couldn't find the same one on the internet. Is anyone able to identify it? Second question, would anyone like to buy it? I'm thinking to eBay it once I...
  6. C

    UPVC Double Glazing Window Beading - identification required.

    Hi All, I am hoping that somebody may be able to identify the UPVC window beading and provide me with the make/model and even a supplier as I have acquired some decent frames from my neighbour but the installers of their new units forgot to save all the beading for me. Any help would be greatly...