isolator valve

  1. M

    15mm nut and olive

    I've just replaced a 15mm isolator valve, when I took the old one off the olive was right on the end of the pipe, looks like the pipe was not pushed in fully before it was tightened up There's probably about 1mm of pipe though the olive Will this cause any problems, if I leave it like this...
  2. N

    Isolation valve help

    Hi I am trying to turn the water off under the bathroom sink with an isolation valve. My isolation valve seems to have 2 slots - which one is it - I don’t seem to be able to turn the small one but I’m sure the big one isn’t a valve anyway.. help!!
  3. K

    Is this an isolator valve for central heating pump?

    Hello everyone, Can someone please confirm if this (marked in red in both pictures) is the isolator valve? If so, will shutting this off will prevent water to flow to the 3 port valve connected below the pump (picture2)? We need to replace the 3 port valve body and need to know if we can do...
  4. H

    Isolator valve instead of drain cock

    Any reason why I can't use an isolator valve instead of a drain cock in a central heating system to allow for rads to be drained easily? Isolator valves are used on hot water pipes so no reason why they can't handle the heat on...