
  1. D

    Neomitis to Hive wiring

    Any advice please. Want to replace Neomitis Thermostat/ receiver RCERFa to a Hive Active Heating Thermostat V3 Combi Boiler. See Neomitis wiring in picture. The hive looks like it needs more wires or can I just connect the original L,N and the grey & black wire which I’m guessing is on...
  2. jay8911

    Which wires go where

    Would anybody be kind enough to please explain to me which wires on my current wireless receiver connected to the boiler go in which section of the Google nest wireless receiver? I would be eternally grateful I’ve included an image of my current one, and an image of the Google nest (current...
  3. Terry87x

    Is this wired incorrectly??

    Hi, I recently moved into a property and the Neomitis thermostat has absolutely no affect on the boiler, it is sync’d with the receiver and paired but whenever I turn up the heating on the thermostat the boiler does nothing. I have checked the wiring on the receiver and I’m sure this is...