
  1. D

    When does a covered way become a porch?

    There is a narrow gap between my house and some old, low outbuildings (about 2200mm to the eaves with a flat roof sloping away from the house. At the back of the house there is a 3m tall retaining wall. (see diagram) I’d like to build a covered way down the sideway so that I can walk to the...
  2. tractor-pete

    Width of slate tiles for door canopy/porch

    I bought a small wooden door canopy/porch like this one and I want to put slate tiles on it. https://www.wickes.co.uk/Apex-Pine-Door-Canopy---1190-x-1560mm/p/296073 Its 60cm wide, so guessing 5cm over hang on the front/verge, so total of 65cm wide. What width tiles should I use? 200mm 250mm...
  3. J

    Porch permitted sizes

    Hi there. I’m having a really dense moment and I just can’t find the answer online. I’m aware that you can build a porch of 3m2 as a permitted development. In some places it’s written as 3m2 and in other places three square meters. Am I right in saying that this means you can have a total floor...
  4. L

    Porch moving away from the house

    Hello everyone. I'm buying a 1950s detached house and my level 3 survey report highlighted
 an issue with the porch. I'm a FTB so any advice would be greatly appreciated. There is a porch addition to the front of the property which is made from brick with a pitched tiled roof. It has timber...
  5. Jeff543

    Top of Porch rotted

    Any advice on sealing/mending the cracks in this front-door porch? Photos of top of porch from from bathroom window.
  6. L

    inner leaf block work around external door.. return it?

    Hi all, i'm self building a porch and have got to the DPC.. building control are happy so far. I've got a dpm lapping over the inner block work and about to put the dpc and first course of blocks on.. couple of questions Doorway - Do i return the block work to 'meet' the outer leaf brick and...
  7. M

    Rotten porch oak pillar

    Hello any advise on how to repair those pillar's and prevent future damage ? they are solid oak but are rotting from the bottom up. I was thinking of putting some acrow's then cutting the pillars where the rot is and dig up a hole and fill with concrete and use something like this ? there's...
  8. T

    Building a Veranda / Patio Cover Help Needed

    Hello everyone, I am looking at building a timber lean to veranda / patio cover down the side of my house and was hoping that I could get a bit of advice on how to do it. The span is going to be roughly 2.7m wide by 6m long with a roof at 15 degrees. The whole thing will be painted with...
  9. D

    Modernising porch

    My wife and I have moved into a 60's fixer upper which has barely been touched in 30+ years. With the cold setting in, our porch is starting to develop a lot of condensation and damp (photos are from when we moved in). It's UPVC with no insulation and there's just a very thin stud wall with a...
  10. P

    Porch projecting beyond bay window

    Looking for some porch building advice. I live in a house with a bay window in Redbridge east London. Wondering if I can build a 1.7m by 1.7m (3 metre squared) porch without planning permission bearing in mind it will protrude further than the bay window by about a meter into the front garden...
  11. C

    Planning permissions for porch

    Hello! We are looking to build a small brick porch at the front of our house, to match the building. It will come out less than 1m, will be smaller than 3 sq ms and we're away from the road. As I understand we wouldn't need planning permission if we create an add-on to our house (i.e. the...
  12. T

    Foundations for porch

    Hello, I would like to build a porch on the front of my house and while I'm comfortable enough with the walls and roof, I'm not sure what foundations I should be building on. At the moment there is an old concrete slab around the front of the house, this has got a large crack near to a...
  13. G

    Stain on joining wall just below porch roof

    Water appears to be getting into our house causing a stain on the joining wall of our semi detached house. The wall is never wet or damp to the touch, but the stain has been gradually working it's way down the wall becoming more noticeable. Inside - you'll see the stain on the joining property...
  14. S

    Is this brickwork/porch OK?

    Hello! I've recently (well, 3-4 weeks ago now, just before lockdown....) I had a recommended builder start our porch. Old, rotten, wooden porch has been taken down and this started. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now as apparently the builder couldn't get more bricks due to the...
  15. Celeronmanuk

    New porch roofing work rough?

    My parents have had a porch built with a flat roof cut into the existing pitched roof. The walls are damp externally so I took a quick look at the roof and thought it looked rough. The dampest part is to the left of the front door. The builder has come back and squeezed a tube of silicone in...
  16. Scorpion101

    Mould in porch

    Hi all. We recently moved house and have found that the porch that is closed off with a storm doors and front door is creating damp inside. It's been treated with damp proof paint etc and all looked good but it's started to reoccur with a small amount of mould. We've since had new doors and...
  17. M

    Pebbledash and wall-plate

    Hello I am in the process of constructing a pitched roof over my porch. It was flat bitumen previously which was old and failed. The house is pebbledash finished. The question I have is whether you would typically remove the pebbledash to fit the rear wall plate tight against the brickwork. Or...
  18. S

    Opinion wanted on cavity wall interior brickwork please

    Hello, I'm having some work done on my porch. Part of the job is creating a half height cavity wall. The exterior brickwork looks ok, but the interior looks a bit messy. Am I worrying about nothing, or is it important to have a tidy finish inside as well? Please have a look at the pics below...
  19. F


    This flat top roof porch was installed by a cowboy leaving exposed timber to the elements. I want to reroof it. What is the easiest way to do this without the use of a blow torch?!
  20. S

    Upvc porch / base

    Hi I'm doing a small porch on my place. Can anyone advise on size of wall if my window is 1m and it's going to be joined to another window with a 90 degree corner support just can't get my head around it . Going to have a normal sill on aswell. Also it will have a lean to roof how do i fix to...