
  1. L

    Stove closure plate - fragile walls/fixings

    Hi all, We’re going to have a stove installed this summer, and I’m prepping our fireplace ready. It’s made entirely of lime and clunch (chalk), and is extremely delicate and any substantial fixings need to be planned as the walling doesn’t hold much weight on its own (no brick or other sturdy...
  2. thebaldfox

    Stovax Stockton Back Boiler issues... can it be upgraded?

    Hi there, I have a Stovax Stockton HB11, but it's hardly outputting any heat at all into the water system behind it. It's almost as if the heat exchanger is just really undersized, or I could have a blockage. Either way, do you know someone in the essex area that could potentially...
  3. M

    Log burning stove, air brick, pressure testing

    I’ve started a barn conversation for myself and it seems I’m required to have an air brick if I have a log burner. Even a 4kw. As the building could be classed as a new build? I know that building are pressure tested and wondered how this works if an air brick has to be installed. Any advice...
  4. L

    Making Chimney Breast Deeper & Changing Gas Fire to Gas Stove

    Hello, I'm moving into my house next week and one of the first things I want to do is remove the existing gas fire and surround (see image below) and put in a gas or electric stove (a proper wood burner wouldn't work with the existing flue from what I've been told). As you can see, the chimney...
  5. Kburrito

    Widening builders opening - Feasable?

    Hey, Took the fireplace out and got left with what looks like a neat builders opening. Can this opening be extended if I add a new wider lintel? Extending only by 10cm each side. Can the gather/bricks inside be removed? What if sides of chimney breast are hollow? Seems like they might...
  6. Kburrito

    Expanding chimney breast opening - advice needed

    Hi, Looking for a bit of advice regarding chimney breast opening. We are wanting to expand the chimney breast opening by approx 10cm each side (width). This means the following: - adding acrow props + strongbow - replacing lintel with bigger one - knocking out bricks at the sides for 10cm...
  7. R

    Replacing Cut Bricks in Fireplace Chimney Breast

    Hi all! I'm opening up a fireplace, ready to accept a wood burning stove. Property is 1918. It's clear it's been chopped about over the years. At some point it seems to have had some kind of large inset fire or similar installed. I haven't been able to quite figure out what it was (any...
  8. P

    Cracked granite under stove

    Hello, Over the past few months I have noticed some cracks in the granite hearth underneath the stove. They have gotten progressively worse to the point where the hearth almost seems to have broken in two. Obviously this doesn't look very good and also I'm concerned that the hearth could...
  9. janieJones123

    Tile adhesive for tiling hearth

    I am getting a multi fuel stove installed and will be retiling the hearth. I was wondering, are most standard tile adhesives heat resistent enough for the temperatures of a 5kw stove? Possibly non-cement based ones? Or should I get a specific heat resistent adhesive? I found this at a local...
  10. L

    Arada Farringdon Stove

    Has anyone else experiences smoke coming back into the room on refuelling an Arada stove? We have had the stove 18months and not been able to use it due to smoking back issues. Thanks
  11. L

    Do I need a Hetas Cert for 2009 Open Fireplace Installation?

    Ugh. Am selling my house and solicitor asked if I have a HETAS certificate for a fireplace installed in 2009. I paid a high street fireplace shop to install a cast iron insert and slate hearth into an empty fireplace opening in my Victorian terrace. I got a guarantee but it doesn't mention...
  12. S

    Woodburner Draw

    Posting this here as there doesn't seem to be a category for stoves and chimneys. We have a Charnwood Country 4 woodburner connected to a flexible liner, installed by a HETAS chap a few years back. Always worked perfectly. Until recently, when we noticed that it's not drawing like it used to...
  13. J

    Opening up chimney - poor brickwork condition

    We're in the process of installing a stove in the dining room of our Victorian semi. Having removed the plasterboard from the opening and plaster around it, there's clearly been some infill bricks added and a new, small concrete lintel. We would like to open it to it's original dimensions, to...
  14. cwhaley

    Widening chimney opening via a brick arch

    We have decided to open up another chimney breast in the house (for a log burner, of course). We've thought about it for a while actually and now we are very lucky and fortunate enough to have a regular source of free hardwood, doing so means we'd be able to heat the home with two stoves. This...
  15. S

    Heat resistant paintable filler needed

    Hi I'm doing up the living room and I've had it plastered including inside the fireplace which has a log burner in it. The plasterer has put fibreboard inside the fireplace and not skimmed it because he said the heat would crack the plaster. Planning to paint this board with heat proof paint...
  16. DSC_1512


  17. H

    I want the flu...e

    I live in a relatively new house, circa 1990, and wish to install a wood burning stove into the lounge. As the house does not have a chimney a double lined aluminium chimney needs to go out then up the external wall at the side of the house (above my land). I've spent ages googling and...
  18. cwhaley

    Start to finish woodburner installation

    I know it's a topic frequently discussed on here, but I thought I'd share my experience of installing a woodburning stove from start to finish. When I started this, I had good knowledge of some of the steps, but the project as a whole was daunting. Nonetheless, I got to it. It all started when...
  19. cwhaley

    Coal on logburner

    I've got a log burner, burns well with decent seasoned timber (pine, ash, etc.). I was wondering what people think to using smokeless coal on them? Okay yes, my stove was sold as a wood burner, but it does have a large ash pan, shaker grate and bottom air supply. I would never use it to burn...
  20. jongreen

    Woodburning stove & chimney design... will it pass regs?

    My local building control are happy for me to install my own woodburning stove, and they'll sign it off within their fee - provided it meets regs. So, I've designed it, but will it pass? Here's my design, any thoughts, constructive criticism or total freakouts from knowledgable DIY'ers or pros...