two way

  1. L

    Change LNLN light switch

    Hello, I want to change my light switch to a new one and discovered that the old switch has an L - N - L - N wiring, which I have not come across before (see photo). This is for a bathroom light that has only one switch, so not sure why this wiring was used. Can I use a simple two-way switch...
  2. Tadaz

    Older wiring to new 2-gang 2-way and 1-gang 2-way smart switches

    Hi guys I am trying to replace my old 2-gang 2-way and 1-gang 2-way switches with the new smart ones. Could anyone please help me to achieve it? I tried to draw a little scheme for you to understand the situation better. And here are the photos of the switches and their wirings. 1-gang...
  3. K

    Light Switch installation problems

    Hi, I'm just after changing most of the light switches in my house, and I've come across two problems. Firstly, I have installed metal switches in some areas of the house, and I'm unable to earth the switches because when the house was built, whoever installed the lights seems to have cut off...
  4. P

    2-Way Switching in Garage

    Evening everyone. This is my first post so apologies for any errors. I currently have a single switch controlling a single lightbulb in my garage. It's a bit dark so I'd like to replace it with two battens. While I'm at it I'd like to put a second switch by the other door (so I'm not staggering...
  5. C

    Wiring switch for 2 way light and outside light

    Hi all, Most of the light switches in the house where there is more than one switch operate not how you would expect, as in the switch nearest to the light should control it so I started to fix these yesterday. The utility has a pair of switches. Unfortunately I got distracted when changing...