
  1. P

    Please can someone recommend a good portable circular saw for cutting through 2x4 timbers?

    Hi there, thank you for reading this :-) I'm after a recommendation for a good portable circular saw, please? I need to cut through a lot of 2x4s. Ideally, I'm after one that doesn't send a lot of vibrations through (if that's even a thing - I've never used one before) and one that doesn't...
  2. J

    Anti vibration material suggestions for water tank!

    Hello, I have a loft water tank which supplies my showers with water, but whenever the ballcock refills the tank, which is sat on a wooden board which is in direct contact with the wooden ceiling frame, the vibrations from the tank pass through the wooden ceiling frame, and causes a very loud...
  3. M

    Vibrations through house linked to feed and expansion tanks float valve

    Hi all, Apologies for the lack of knowledge here, but I will try and progress with what the internet has taught me so far. We bought our first house exactly a year ago, and all has been fine with the boiler and hot water system though the initial survey advised that the boiler was 20 years old...