So to set the scene, my elderly grandparents live in the rural Kent countryside and have had a APC UPS for a while as they live out in the country and get a fair few power cuts, and not only their internet/router but also there landline phone depends on the mains power being it's a VoIP landline...
Is my Di-Log PL107N Voltage Indicator over sensitive or are all similar non contact voltage indicators/detectors what rely on the principle of capacitive coupling going to detect unwanted sources and give false positives like featured in the video?
Regards: Elliott.
Just a quick one for the regulars; just picked up my first proper voltage tester along with a Kewtech LoopCheck 107 socket tester and a DiLog socket break out.
I do wonder though, how many people buy socket testers with a built in loop test feature and plug it into a 25M/30M extension lead and...