12 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
We have just had a dishwasher installed in our kitchen which required us to have new plumbing pipes fitted.We got a plumber from the local paper,he has charged us £35 per hour labour plus materials used.Is this a fair price?My husband seems to think it was a little over the top!
Would be grateful of any comments from you.

Many Thanks,
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Put yourself in plumbers shoes, what would YOU charge / hour?

Think, you have van, insurance, tools, fuel,advertising,"office space" telephone taxman yardy yardy yardy yah etc to pay for, seriously work it out for your self,go on try it.
Don't go to London then because you can double that, unless of course you use European slave labour at 35 quid a day.

No regs required :LOL:
Must object to this racist slur on these yardys who have nothing to do with this dreadful life destroying trade called plumbing, these yardys are just drug dealing gang members and shouldn't be tarred with being associated with plumbers.
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breezer said:
Put yourself in plumbers shoes, what would YOU charge / hour?

Think, you have van, insurance, tools, fuel,advertising,"office space" telephone taxman yardy yardy yardy yah etc to pay for, seriously work it out for your self,go on try it.

thanks for that,i actually didnt think it was too bad a price.is there and average price per hour??


see item 9
Debs1204 said:
thanks for that,i actually didnt think it was too bad a price.is there and average price per hour??

Yes its the sum of all the prices per hour divided by the number of prices. That's the average. :LOL:
The highest I've seen a bill for was £65 per half hour.
I'm surprised that anyone would complain about £35 per hour.

I know we all hate paying for tradesman to come and do stuff, mainly 'cos by the time the pros are in, we are way out of depth). but just think about the amount in context....

Garages - min £40 - Main dealer £90 per hour
Solititor - £30 quid for 10 minutes work that they get a clerk to do anyway!! (if you're lucky, I once got charged £25 quid for a letter recapping a phone call which I had made to HIM!)
Estate Agents - Need I go on?

I'll now go back and complain about having to call people in to do work I CAN do cos of sodding Building Regs that serve no-one but the regulators!! (I hate Part P!)

I got a solicitor to make two phone calls (total no more than 10 mins) and write two standard letters. The other thing he did was look through a small file of papers I sent him prior to writing the letters. His charge?

£352.50...and this is the total after I phoned him to insist he reduce his charges or else I would take him to court for excessive charges.

Prior to this, his bill was in excess of £500........
securespark said:
I got a solicitor to make two phone calls.....

£352.50...and this is the total after I phoned him to insist he reduce his charges or else I would take him to court for excessive charges.

PMSL - threatening to take a solicitor to court and getting a result - that must be a first :rolleyes:
You forgot "time taken on holiday", "time taken due to ill health", "pension"...

Remember that clambering about in crawl spaces and lofts takes it out on your joints and back, far more likely you will need a few days off per year due to pulling something.

Overheads are high in pretty much any industry. Even a paper-pusher has a booking rate several times their actual earnings, i.e. for every £10 they get paid (pre-tax) it might cost the company another £20 in paying for office space, air-conditioning, maintenance, service bills, sick leave, someone to phone who tells you "switch it off, then back on again" when your computer fails... :rolleyes:

Even Dickens made a reference to it in "A Christmas Carol", Scrooge wouldn't let his employee put another lump of coal on the fire because it wasn't in his overheads budget... Well, he was an accountant wasn't he? ;)
i fully agree...as i would.....
the rate a plumber gets per hour is not ur standard rate of any employee rate......ie...someone who works for Coca-Cola...they pay him 17.25 an hour...noy thats what he takes home after tax.

us self employed charge a rate of say £25-35 an hour for standard plumbing. or double if ur a heating engineer..maybe..its just a sample

but thats not times 8 hours a day x 365 a year.
its nearly impossible to plan out work so u indeed work and earn £30 an hour.. the is always quiet times/paperwork/quotes/waste of time job/oh...he wont pay me for that work etc

expences have to come out...

van, van insurance and maintanence. work insurance incase i burn ur house down. sick and holiday periods. advertising. driving along to jobs...some times numerous diff ones in the same day, free quotes...paperwork..(arggggg)
in all i earnt £ -2751 (minus) last year ! ;)
£35 per hour labour plus materials used.Is this a fair price?My husband seems to think it was a little over the top!

compared to a brothel what a women charges an hour i think its peanuts.
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