0.5 bar pressure loss in 24 hours...

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12 Apr 2009
Reaction score
West Midlands
United Kingdom
So had a new Valliant 831 fitted in my old house with old central heating system.
The pressure drops around 0.5 bar every day - basically from the normal zone right down to zero.
Valliant engineer has come out and assured that there's nothing wrong with the Boiler.

I found two very small leaks and fixed them but the pressure is still dropping.

So dreaded question .... is it a leak somewhere i can't see? I.e. under the floorboards downstairs?

More importantly, with this amount of water loss (i don't know how much 0.5 bar equates to) do you think its worth trying a leak sealant before destroying my newly refurbished home?
More importantly, with this amount of water loss (i don't know how much 0.5 bar equates to) do you think its worth trying a leak sealant before destroying my newly refurbished home?

not a lot depending in the size of the system

only thing you can be sure of is you deffo have a leak

possible help

put some DS3 in the system and start sniffin
DS3 is a type of descaler acid. It is actually Sulphamic acid. It doesn't smell of much but it can produce very smelly ammonium and sulphur compounds particularly when it is mixed with hot water.
So do you think that would work?

What exactly does it do?

No thoughts on the sealant anyone???

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