10mm copper pipe: Hoe do you cut and shape it?

1 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
How do you cut 10mm pipe? :?: Is there a recommended cutter available or should one just use a hacksaw and file? Also, is it sufficient simply too insert it into the plastic female inlet on our bottom-entry wc cistern? :confused:

Thanks for any replies.
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You cut it with an adjustable pipe cutter -you can pick up mini pipe cutters for a couple of quid. It is shapeable by hand to a certain degree but if you want to form any significant bends you need either a 10mm pipe spring or a mini pipe bender, or just use regular fittings, either compression or end feed. I've no idea how you would connect it to your WC, but you could normally use a 10mm olive and compression fitting.
Thanks Bodger, I have got some mini-cutters now. I only need the smallest piece of 10mm out of the WC into the 10mm/15mm connector so the ability to bend the 10mm pipe is not really important; any bends can be done on the 15mm.

Looking more closely and up the inside of the inlet I can see that there are three pieces of plastic that look like they grip the pipe. Does this sound plausible? Otherwise I am uncertain as what would be required to make a watertight seal. Thanks again for any advice. ;)

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