1986 Commonwealth Games £2 coin

18 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
I know absolutely Nothing about UK coins and their value, but I have a 1986 Commonwealth Games £2 coin Uncirculated and complete in a sealed package and thought it would be worth maybe £5. So had a look on Ebay and found the identical coin up for sale. The problem is that the prices range from £6,000 to £9.95. Why such a range in pricing will be forever a mystery to me.
So the question is why such a range and what is it that alters the value of these coins. Clearly there is something special about each of the coins but I have no idea what that difference is. They all look identical to my simple mind. Maybe some sellers are being very very Optimistic.
Can anyone offer some advice as to how to value the coin I have for disposal.
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Its real value is prob £2.05...
My original posting agreed with this estimate, but that was not the point of the Poasting. I was looking for something constructive after investigating Ebay for values, so you reply is not of any use what so ever.
People on ebay can ask what they want for an item, doesn't mean they will get it. look at the sold listings, this will give you a better indication. As others have said, not a huge amount, I would just keep it as an interesting coin which not many would have seen.
Many commemorative coins/medallions/stamps are sold in such huge numbers that they never have a resale value much higer than their face value (if that). It is scarcity of a collectible item which pushes the price up.
Many commemorative coins/medallions/stamps are sold in such huge numbers that they never have a resale value much higer than their face value (if that). It is scarcity of a collectible item which pushes the price up.
I fully understand that , but my problem is I have no idea as to how scarce this particular coin may be, hence my question. It seems odd if Ebay listings vary between £6000 and £10, so either the coin is very rare or someone is having a laugh at £6000. There are other listings for the coin on Ebay at £4500 and £4000. This itself suggests it is not very rare and probably only worth its face value although I believe the original purchaser bought it from a Bank in 1986 for £5 suggesting the purchaser was hoping 40 years on it would have increased in value. Clearly a very bad investment if one considers inflation, £5 in 1986 must be around £30 at todays value.
How about buying £500 for £400 ?
Just about anything on eBay can be found at ridiculous prices as well as the normal price .
How about buying £500 for £400 ?
Sounds iffy to me. Why sell them at a loss if they can take them to a bank?
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