I currently have a nice sized, detached brick built garage in the back garden. It was put up as a permitted development and is built a meter from boundy fences (which I believe is not needed as it is made from non-flamible materials).
At the moment, this is pegged to house my workshop and my office is in a spare bedroom. At some point, the bedroom will be needed for a mini-me and I will need to re-locate my office.
The plan is to add another story to the garage (demolish and re-build), but due to it's position, add it as a basement.
1) Assuming all building regs are complied with, does it remain a permitted development if the less thant 50% land area rule is met?
2) If it does require planning, would it be easier to get as the new building would look pretty much the same as is what's already there above ground?
3) Are there any specific building regulations with regard to digging a cellar near the property line?
4) Permitted development guidelines seem to give a maximum height above ground level, but never indicate how deep they can be? Is there a limit (assuming single story)?
At the moment, this is pegged to house my workshop and my office is in a spare bedroom. At some point, the bedroom will be needed for a mini-me and I will need to re-locate my office.
The plan is to add another story to the garage (demolish and re-build), but due to it's position, add it as a basement.
1) Assuming all building regs are complied with, does it remain a permitted development if the less thant 50% land area rule is met?
2) If it does require planning, would it be easier to get as the new building would look pretty much the same as is what's already there above ground?
3) Are there any specific building regulations with regard to digging a cellar near the property line?
4) Permitted development guidelines seem to give a maximum height above ground level, but never indicate how deep they can be? Is there a limit (assuming single story)?