I have seen PIR's advertised to work with smart switches, but I have never tried fitting one. To have the switches in parallel with the PIR clearly lights can be left on, and in series with PIR lights can switch off when required, neither is really what is wanted. With a smart relay change of state of the switch wires changes the state of the relay, so using a phone or voice controls works with the system in the same way as adding an intermediate switch.
We can say hey google switch on landing lights and it works, so I suppose you could also have a smart PIR do the same, however the question is why would you want to? It is so easy to say hey google turn off landing lights why would you want a PIR to do that function? I have programmed in off commands in case we forget, I have 5 GU10's as the landing light, and a double smart relay so it turns off 4 to start with and then the fifth centre light so one does have some warning.
I tried to see what the smart PIR's will do, but all it says is "Simply set a 'smart scene' to activate your home in the action." One would need to down load the app to find how it integrates. Tried another make and it says "Energy Saving – Automatically turn on connected smart devices when you come and go" but this seems the problem with smart devises you don't know exactly what they can do until you buy them and try.
And as said for me voice commands are ample. I have been removing PIR's as too easy for them to turn off at inopportune moments. Most the outside lights are now on smart controls instead, I still have one or two PIR's but the lights they are fitted to have others that cover same area, so only really for the odd nocturnal visitor which are very rare.