2003 renault laguna dci 6 speed gearbox jumping out of3@4

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Just 3rd and 4th will share the same cable/linkage, so you might be in luck. If you have to replace the box, consider before you start total cost of repair. What miles are on the clutch/flywheel. Obviously you are going to tackle it yourself, so a secondhand Haynes manual off E-Bay (no good going mad) might help.

Can you hold it in 3rd and jump 4th straight into 5, it will work out cheaper if its not external.

4 good forward gears, plenty for any car ................ :)
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133k changes 1/2/5/6 easily
won't hold in3/4 nasty grinding noise
have located gearbox with new clutch/flywheel £275???
£275 sounds good, though a gearbox change is a big job. Give yourself plenty of time and get a mate to give you a hand, if you can.
what Is it i'm looking for on cables if they are the culprit?

p.s have found a garage on fleabay in Birmingham who will supply&fit for £300