3/16 parts of vertical rad heat up, no change after bleeding

17 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom

New radiotor fitted last August, worked fine. Turned on heating today, bled all rads in house and this one, and this one only the front 3 left bars get hot.

Hot at trv and lock shield.

Removed trv to see if changed anything nope.
Noted lock shield settings , opened full, no change, put back to where it was before as position.

The bleed value is on the elft, see photo, water only comes out.

And ideas? I could I guess turn off system and use wrench to turn the right hand side big nut thing to see if air that side?

For a few minutes I also had heat the top left back 3 then that seemed to stop. So only still front left 3 heating up.

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Close all the other radiators off by their TRV ,don't touch their lockshield valves. If you have a hot water cylinder that is heated by your boiler set programmer for central heating only,run heating and see if problem rad now heats fully.
OK tried yes switching all off, trvs to off, hw off, no change. Should of said did that too.

Also tried large magnet moving about next to bottom of 3rd and 4th bar thing in case blocked, but really makes no sense, if hot both sides.

I'll retry what you said a few more times, over next day, maybe something in there stopping it getting to 4th bar... But makes no sense if hot pipes at each inlet.

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