Birmingham. Rates are 25 a sqm cash. So hopefully 100 quid max
That has to be one of the funniest pieces of blissful ignorance I have seen in a while. Really, a joke.
Ok, say the job was straight forward (which its not because of the levels)....... cost of materials, wear and tear on tools, tax and national insurance, public liability, travel expenses, van costs. for £100, cash or otherwise, , that tiler would be very lucky to even keep half that for himself.
His earnings for the day is £40-50 (if he's lucky)..... equivalent of £4.50-£5.50 an hour to take home for the day. Would you work for that? And before you say "he could do that in a couple of hours, half day at the most", maybe he can if he cuts a corner and grouts it long before he should, but that doesn't mean he can pick up work to fill in the remainder of the day. It doesn't work like that.
To be honest, based on my area (also midlands), if a tiler offered to do it for £200-£250 labour only, you should be snapping his arm off at that and you'd still have a top notch professional job. Sounds a lot on the face of it, but at least its realistic.