Hi corner of sons room. The paint (emulsion done about 5years ago) looked to be blistering. When you rubbed your hand over it it was raised and the paint cracked. Concerned re damp so have scrapped (easily) the paint off but under neath it is not black. I have attached pictures of the scrapped off paint Grey is the top colour I did the green is the original that was in most rooms poss from when it was built in 1968 that they did over new plaster. I have used a damp reader thing and left of that middle bit of paint still stuck on wall is readings of 20-22. But further up and down 6-10. We know they put that stupid famidahide!? Foam insulating in between the wall cavities. We knows it’s crap, we know it shrinks and falls and also if water gets in outer pebble dash it acts like a sponge. Is this a job I need to ask a builder to fix , a decorator or what? Long term this room is getting replastered (last one to do). But this would just keep happening I presume.The roof and gutters was just re done a year ago and the down pipe isn’t on that wall. Any ideas on how I
Move forward as I am just an office worker not a skilled tradesman
Your expertise and knowledge would be great fully received
Thank you
Move forward as I am just an office worker not a skilled tradesman
Your expertise and knowledge would be great fully received
Thank you