


The number of illegal immigrants Nick Clegg wants to let stay.

But it isnt, is it? Once they know they've made it, they'll phone the wife in iraq or afghanistan or moldavia, and tell her there in, and she'll come over with the 2 or 3 kids and immediately get preggy, and his brother and wife, and mum and dad will also be over here as well.

So not only will they need three council houses, a maternity bed, places at the local primary, social care, three or four jobs, and a couple of cars, at the end of the day 600,000 will end up more like 3,000,000.

And lets also remember it'll also mean another half a million cars on the road (most of them uninsured, untaxed and not MOT'd), another million people competing for jobs, another half a million maternity places and 2 million primary school places, and another half a million council houses. And statistically, another 10,000 criminals to lock up.

Pretty ****ing scary, from where im standing.
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send the ****ers back I say put em on a big boat out to see and sink it. :LOL:
Whats scary is a massive proportion of British citizens willing to vote for someone because he seems like a "nice bloke" and they're fed up of the "other two". Never mind the policies which quite frankly are not only scary but in some cases unworkable. We live in an xfactor style society of idiots willing to change their mind for the most ridiculous of reasons, willing to vote for a politician without understanding their policies.
Every person I speak to moans about crime and immigration, the 2 key factors where the Loony left Lib Dems are as soft as butter. Rob from the rich and give to the poor and useless, and quickly the rich will dissapear to pastures new, leaving a society of takers inhabiting a debt ridden island.
I'll see you in Aus :D
send the **** back I say put em on a big boat out to see and sink it. :LOL:

you can't say this sort of thing... it's outrageous. I am not a fan of immigration, but you can't serioulsy suggest people (any people, even crims) should be drowned at sea..!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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They can stay after 14 years anyway. All that happens with an amnesty after 10 years is they get to stay after 12 years.

And who is going to tell us how you get rid of them anyway?


Right , but i doubt all 600,000 have been here 14 years, in fact i doubt 10% of them have been here that long, ergo we need to get rid of them BEFORE they start getting to the 14 year mark. And we need to be tattooing them before we kick them out so we can spot the ones that dont take the hint and try and get back in.
Now tell us how you are going to do it and who will pay the legal costs.
Now tell us how you are going to do it and who will pay the legal costs.

well, you pull out the EU, repeal the Human Rights Act, and withdraw from the European Court Of Human Rights. Then you change the law so you can just shove them on a boat and dump it outside the 3 mile limit.

But of course it isn't 600,000 is it. Government estimates put it at 2 million+.
Andrew Marr asked Nick Clegg how many illegal immigrants there were in the country last Sunday morning on the BBC. He admitted he didn't know the true figures. He took a guess at somewhere around 600.000. Andrew Marr said the figures could be a lot higher. Nick Clegg got a bit flustered and tried to change the subject.
Christ, the Limp Dems just ain't got a clue about how the ordinary chap in the street feels about illegal or legal immigration. They know about as much as Gordon one eyed Brown knows.
No doubt Joe will try and justify the rights of these illegals to stay here now and welcome them with open arms... Let's just hope they ain't got a semtex waistcoat on.
Now tell us how you are going to do it and who will pay the legal costs.

AS Lincs says. repeal the awful Human Rights Act, deport them and tighten the borders.
One final thought,,, Lets get a Prime Minister like Kevin Rudd of Australia. #At least he tells it like it is.
Now tell us how you are going to do it and who will pay the legal costs.

AS Lincs says. repeal the awful Human Rights Act, deport them and tighten the borders.
One final thought,,, Lets get a Prime Minister like Kevin Rudd of Australia. #At least he tells it like it is.

Where do they live?

Oh and I was in Australia when they had an illegal immigrant amnesty. ;)
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