Just having a little drinksy to celebrate a promotion!
Due to an internal dispute within the company I have been asked to 'step in and fill the breach' whilst the matter is sorted.
Due to the nature of the 'dispute' it is a forgone conclusion what the result will be.
To this end I have been asked to fulfill the role of the previous occupant with a view to taking on the responsibity permanently at the conclusion of the investigation.
I am now in the position of 'Contract Manager' of a £2,000,000 (Yes, 2 million pound contract), with a sizeable raise and company car!!!
All due to a good performance when I 'stood in' for the said manager during a holiday break!
Seems I impressed the client so much with the result he asked for me to be the next manager. I'm on a 2 month trial to see if I can cope with 'full responsibilty' and if I can, and if I want it, the job is mine!
Hell of a jump from 'bench-hand fitter/maintenace man!
Means travelling about an extra 15 miles there and back each day but compared to the rewards I think thats a small incovenience.
Hopefully I can make success of it.
Due to an internal dispute within the company I have been asked to 'step in and fill the breach' whilst the matter is sorted.
Due to the nature of the 'dispute' it is a forgone conclusion what the result will be.
To this end I have been asked to fulfill the role of the previous occupant with a view to taking on the responsibity permanently at the conclusion of the investigation.
I am now in the position of 'Contract Manager' of a £2,000,000 (Yes, 2 million pound contract), with a sizeable raise and company car!!!
All due to a good performance when I 'stood in' for the said manager during a holiday break!
Seems I impressed the client so much with the result he asked for me to be the next manager. I'm on a 2 month trial to see if I can cope with 'full responsibilty' and if I can, and if I want it, the job is mine!
Hell of a jump from 'bench-hand fitter/maintenace man!
Means travelling about an extra 15 miles there and back each day but compared to the rewards I think thats a small incovenience.
Hopefully I can make success of it.