A report from Israel

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Israel’s leading human rights organisation says conditions inside Israeli prisons holding Palestinian detainees amount to torture.

B’tselem’s report entitled “Welcome to Hell”, contains testimony from 55 recently released Palestinian detainees, whose graphic testimony points to a dramatic worsening of conditions inside prisons since the start of the Gaza war 10 months ago.

It's the latest in a series of reports, including one last week by the UN, which contain shocking allegations of abuse directed against Palestinian prisoners.

B’tselem says the testimony their researchers have gathered is remarkably consistent.

“All of them again and again, told us the same thing,” says Yuli Novak, B’tselem’s executive director.

“Ongoing abuse, daily violence, physical violence and mental violence, humiliation, sleep deprivation, people are starved.”

Ms Novak’s conclusion is stark.

“The Israeli prison system as a whole, in regard to Palestinians, turned into a network of torture camps.”

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A report from the UN:

"The United Nations human rights office says Palestinians detained by Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza may have been tortured.

The UN report gathered testimony from men, women and children who had been detained, who said "they were held in cage-like facilities, stripped naked for prolonged periods, wearing only diapers".

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said testimony received by his office suggested Israeli authorities may have inflicted "appalling acts" on detainees, including "waterboarding and the release of dogs".

Many have been held without without charge, access to a lawyer, and in "deplorable conditions," the report adds.

The report also documents the suffering Israeli hostages say they endured while held by Hamas. Former hostages said they were deprived of adequate food and water in captivity, with some also saying they were beaten."

"Israeli forces have detained thousands of Palestinians over the course of the war in Gaza - mostly from Gaza but also from the occupied West Bank and Israel itself.

Human rights defenders have raised concerns about the detention facilities some detainees are being held in, with both Israeli whistleblowers and released detainees alleging widespread mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says it has been refused permission to visit facilities where Palestinian prisoners are being held.

In July Israeli authorities said they were investigating reports of abuse in detention centres, but gave no details.

Responding to previous allegations, Israel said violence against detainees was “absolutely prohibited” and that it regularly briefed its forces on the conduct required of them."
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"Military forensic teams in Israel have examined bodies of victims of last week's Hamas attack on communities around the Gaza Strip and found multiple signs of torture, rape and other atrocities, officers said on Saturday.
We've seen dismembered bodies with their arms and feet chopped off, people that were beheaded, a child that was beheaded,"

Just for balance you understand.
Which makes both sides wrong.

It's been said before though
Is "We" independent reporters, or Israeli sources?

Oh, it's Rabbi Israel Weiss, former army chief rabbi.

"The military personnel overseeing the identification process didn't present any forensic evidence in the form of pictures or medical records."
Oh, is Trazor spreading his vitriol again?

Looks like he likes it.

Though propaganda prepared by the Israeli army should never be trusted.

What a shame they have a policy of assassinating journalists.
What a shame they have a policy of assassinating journalists.
It is a shame, and Israel should hang its head in shame.
And the world should hang its head in shame for being so ambivalent about it.
"Israel’s leading human rights organisation says conditions inside Israeli prisons holding Palestinian detainees amount to torture.
any news how Hamas are treating the hostages? will their treatment be a model of humanity. (esp since the hostages have done nothing wrong)
any news how Hamas are treating the hostages? will their treatment be a model of humanity. (esp since the hostages have done nothing wrong)
They were trying to shelter them from Zionist bombs last i heard...how many have been killed by Israeli forces up to now, i wonder?
"Israeli forces have detained thousands of Palestinians over the course of the war in Gaza - mostly from Gaza but also from the occupied West Bank and Israel itself.

Human rights defenders have raised concerns about the detention facilities some detainees are being held in, with both Israeli whistleblowers and released detainees alleging widespread mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says it has been refused permission to visit facilities where Palestinian prisoners are being held.

In July Israeli authorities said they were investigating reports of abuse in detention centres, but gave no details.

Responding to previous allegations, Israel said violence against detainees was “absolutely prohibited” and that it regularly briefed its forces on the conduct required of them."
Your report is not entirely accurate. This behaviour of detaining and incarcerating Palestinians without trial, or even charges, has not been limited to "over the course of the war in Gaza".
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