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Its just a story about some Belgium scientists calling for dogs to be banned from parks.

Yes, there are decent and/or fearful people that do clean up as certain London places do fine in the inbreds that leave their dog mess for children and others to step in. Parks especially, these nasty parasites are fully aware children play around and fall, play on their hands and knees have toys etc.

Report the ****s, take the dog/s away from them as they are not capable.
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It would be fine if owners cleaned up . Enough signs and bins around.
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Actually it's the opposite in my local park, not enough bins, not emptied often enough so often overflowing with rubbish and bags of dog poop (showing that the greater many do pick it up), bins that have rotted away not replaced etc.
The council don't do anything about it (and yes the do know because I keep nagging at them about it).

Yet no matter how many bins you put there, there will always be those that cannot be arsed, the same sort that chuck their mcdonalds food containers out of their car windows etc.

Even if they did ban dogs in my local park things won't change, there are already signs (badly written) about dogs but there is no one to enforce them, there will be no one to enforce a dog ban and no one will take any notice of it.

you make a valid point re lack of bins at times and those that just won't bother picking up their dog mess are often the same as those c's that toss out their rubbish out of the old banger inc fast food packages, cigs.......

These parasites need to be fined and every penny collected via bailiff route if they don't pay. The best bits come when a fine of 50 is close to 800 pounds inc costs of collection agents etc when they have refused to pay their initial fine, lol
If only..

However the country is lacking police officers, NHS workers, all council services are stretched so thinly - a dog warden round here covers several boroughs and that's several hundred thousand people.

There is no one to catch them any more, if the public speak up to people they put themselves at risk.

For my park I'm going to start a friends of the park group with councillors on side, I'm having to do this because of the lack of the council giving a toss about it so that hopefully we will have a bigger voice to get something done - but I won't hold my breath for it.
If only..

However the country is lacking police officers, NHS workers, all council services are stretched so thinly - a dog warden round here covers several boroughs and that's several hundred thousand people.

There is no one to catch them any more, if the public speak up to people they put themselves at risk.

For my park I'm going to start a friends of the park group with councillors on side, I'm having to do this because of the lack of the council giving a toss about it so that hopefully we will have a bigger voice to get something done - but I won't hold my breath for it.

Credit to you.
I've sent a video off to the council a few years ago and I don't think anything happened. More recently I grassed-up some incestual bastards that come in our close and leave their dog mess behind and the council painted some of those yellow dog diagrams on pavements telling people to pick it up

Someone I know years ago got so fed up with dog mess outside their drive as it was one of a couple of houses with a drive that one day he picked up several pieces of dog mess and dumped them right in front of their door - this was before cctv really took off.

We need more people like you, sir!
I live in a close knit community where basically if you don't clean up your dog shyte from the communal parts then you can (quite rightly) soon find yourself ostracised & shunned.

Plastic doggy poo bags are a serious problem for me. What was once a welcome & biodegradable small pile of fertiliser in my woods is now encased in a neatly tied wrapping that will last for 1000yrs.

There's a few things I let them get away with, there are other things I give them a few chances, but if I catch them chucking their hand warmers into my scrub then someone is going to be eating it.
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