I just installed a system and upon energising I'm getting a tamper lockout message on the rkp.the kehdhdhdh
Now I tried all the usual linking out the tamper circuits but still the message in there. When I linked out the keypad tamper,,,,,,, ,the display was blank and would not respond to any key pressing.
I don't have any paperwork for this panel and was wondering if I am having a blonde momentit allows me to go into engineers mode but its a strange one... I must confess this was saturday afternoon just before I was planning on going so I'm back Monday and I really could do with getting this sorted....
Any help greatly appreciated.
Now I tried all the usual linking out the tamper circuits but still the message in there. When I linked out the keypad tamper,,,,,,, ,the display was blank and would not respond to any key pressing.
I don't have any paperwork for this panel and was wondering if I am having a blonde momentit allows me to go into engineers mode but its a strange one... I must confess this was saturday afternoon just before I was planning on going so I'm back Monday and I really could do with getting this sorted....
Any help greatly appreciated.