9 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I think that adam w is a computer program created by bill gates to infiltrate the british diy forum to see how clever we are :eek: he seems to know everything about everything (including flat pack furniture),he is probably just a brain in a glass tank that is wired to the internet :eek: he seems to know more than GOOGLE.thy should have a adam w search engine.or I could be wrong,who knows,answers on the back of a postcard.
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He cant be old enough to know as much as he does, but its not often he talks B*****ks is it, sometimes I think he has typing diarrhoea.. :LOL:
Diyisfun said:
He cant be old enough to know as much as he does, but its not often he talks B*****ks is it, sometimes I think he has typing diarrhoea.. :LOL:
Is it possible to use more than one figer at a time to type with :confused: this message has taken me 20 minutes to write.
<press Enter to continue> ;)

Well, I have to say that it is a real complement to be likened to a brain in a glass tank connected to the internet, possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me (sniff). :LOL:

I apologise for my inane rantings and inability to leave a thread alone without chucking in my twopennyworth, I have actually seriously cut down my DIYnot time as it was beginning to cut into my sleeping time. The voice in my head tells me "leave it Adam, leave it", but before I know it I'm tapping away.

No wonder my DIY takes so long, I spend more time on here reading about what to do than actually doing it! :LOL:
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I have actually seriously cut down my DIYnot time as it was beginning to cut into my sleeping time.

So I'm not the only one. Perhaps we should set up an on-line branch of Foraholics Anonymous - or would that be like using aversion therapy to cure a masochist?

The voice in my head tells me "leave it Adam, leave it", but before I know it I'm tapping away.

Been there, doing that right now, how much are the tee shirts?

No wonder my DIY takes so long, I spend more time on here reading about what to do than actually doing it!

Snap with knobs on. Pass the methadone ---
Hey! Don't swig too much, over here when you've finished...

Oooooooh.....that's better!

Now, was I talking about the sex life of mayflies?

Or was it the reprogramming of Sony remotes to operate an automatic cat-feeding system?

No. I've got it now...........that's it! I was talking about fdgfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Oh, where was I?

Time for beddy byes!!
AdamW said:
<press Enter to continue> ;)

Well, I have to say that it is a real complement to be likened to a brain in a glass tank connected to the internet, possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me (sniff). :LOL:

I apologise for my inane rantings and inability to leave a thread alone without chucking in my twopennyworth, I have actually seriously cut down my DIYnot time as it was beginning to cut into my sleeping time. The voice in my head tells me "leave it Adam, leave it", but before I know it I'm tapping away.

No wonder my DIY takes so long, I spend more time on here reading about what to do than actually doing it! :LOL:
On a forum it's good to have the views of a wide range of people and their beliefs it makes for a good debate, we might not agree with each other on things but hey it's a free world for all to make their views known so don't knock yourself, keep contributing, you may be only 24 but you've taught me many things on here i didn't know. :)
felix said:
So I'm not the only one. Perhaps we should set up an on-line branch of Foraholics Anonymous - or would that be like using aversion therapy to cure a masochist?

Cure?...cure?....why do we need a cure? :evil:
kendor said:
you may be only 24

Eeeeh, and I've still got all me own teeth! ;)

Actually that's a lie, my front two are caps... might I suggest that if any of you have kids who like to skateboard, get them a rugby gum-guard as kissing tarmac isn't so painless as the Pope made it look... :LOL:

Felix, Foraholics Anonymous? Or sweet "FA" as it would be called ;)

I find this forum is about the only place to have a decent debate. With my family or in the pub it gets far too intense, at work people are far too polite (plus all my colleagues seem to have the same views as I). So, it's only by coming here that I can have a decent argument without people throwing things! :LOL:
AdamW said:
So, it's only by coming here that I can have a decent argument without people throwing things! :LOL:
Oh i don't know about that, i've had to duck a few times in the past ;)
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