I added a new raditaor to a garage conversion today, probably not the textbook way of doing it, bit I ran 10mm hep pipes to the next nearest rad in the house and used a T to split the feed and return.
Anyway, rather than drain the system to fit it, I pulled apart the existing joints , (having turned off the heating first) to quickly plug it without losing too much water. It worked without loosing much water. But when it was installed nothing would bleed from the rad, until, I found, I went and opened the bleed valve on an upstairs rad (2nd floor). Also there was a racket coming from the burner, air gaps causing hammering etc.
this was all fixed by opening an upstairs bleed valve, but now, although the ground floor radiators are all bleeding fine, it seems nothing at all comes out of the 1st or second floor radiators. Even though they're hot. I can't work that out!
Why won't a hot radiator bleed any air or water at all! No movement at all!
I guess I've got some weird air gaps, but how to I release them?
Anyway, rather than drain the system to fit it, I pulled apart the existing joints , (having turned off the heating first) to quickly plug it without losing too much water. It worked without loosing much water. But when it was installed nothing would bleed from the rad, until, I found, I went and opened the bleed valve on an upstairs rad (2nd floor). Also there was a racket coming from the burner, air gaps causing hammering etc.
this was all fixed by opening an upstairs bleed valve, but now, although the ground floor radiators are all bleeding fine, it seems nothing at all comes out of the 1st or second floor radiators. Even though they're hot. I can't work that out!
Why won't a hot radiator bleed any air or water at all! No movement at all!
I guess I've got some weird air gaps, but how to I release them?