Adding a humidistat to fan and lighting circuit

30 Jan 2025
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United Kingdom
So I have a normal light switch & fan installation whereby you turn the light on and it also turns the inline extract fan in the loft on for a few minutes on the timer after the light switch has been switched off.

What I want to install is a humidistat that also turns on the fan when humidity is high say 85% and I still want to switch the fan on by the light switch, but I don’t want the humidistat to bring on the light when it is activated which is what would happen if it’s wired in parallel. Any time the SL of the humidistat is linked with the SL of the light switch and fan I’ll get this problem so I need a way around this.

What are my options to get this functionality?
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What are my options to get this functionality?
Use a humidistat with a built in timer?

Something like...

Screenshot_20250130_224359_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

And convert your fan to non-timed operation, by linking both the L and T terminals at the fan, to the 'fan live' output of the humidistat.

Alternatively, if your humidistat has a SPDT relay...
Screenshot_20250130_225441_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

The Common could be connected to the fans switched live, the NC could connect to the lights switched live, and NO could be connected to a permanent live.
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I’d still want to use the light switch to bring on the fan too in manual operation, would this be possible in this configuration?
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