I have spent today helping a friend add a couple of low voltage down lights to his kitchen which, he wants on a separate switch. I broke into the existing lighting loop and followed the wiring directions to the letter adding in the switch and lights at the correct circuit points.
When I turning the power back on and switched the kitchen light on all good. I then turned the down lights on and nothing..
However, when I turn the kitchen light off the down lights come on and the kitchen light comes on but very dim.
No other lights in the house come on dim just the kitchen light.
I have double checked the lighting diagram, checked the web and shouted at it but it still wont work correctly.
Where did I go wrong and what do I do to get it working right and earn my promised beer?
Many thanks in advance.
I have spent today helping a friend add a couple of low voltage down lights to his kitchen which, he wants on a separate switch. I broke into the existing lighting loop and followed the wiring directions to the letter adding in the switch and lights at the correct circuit points.
When I turning the power back on and switched the kitchen light on all good. I then turned the down lights on and nothing..
However, when I turn the kitchen light off the down lights come on and the kitchen light comes on but very dim.
No other lights in the house come on dim just the kitchen light.
I have double checked the lighting diagram, checked the web and shouted at it but it still wont work correctly.
Where did I go wrong and what do I do to get it working right and earn my promised beer?
Many thanks in advance.