I have a compact ensuite shower room, it has a shower, a small basin and a toilet. When I empty the basin, it sucks the water out of the shower trap. (it doesn't happen if I just run water in the basin). The run of waste pipe starts at the Shower, the basin T's into it after about 500mm and then it continues to run for about 3 meters with 3 elbows into a vented stack pipe. The toilet has its own run to the same stack pipe and seems to have no effect on the shower. I suspect an additional AAV would help.
I would like to know if I can fit the AAV inside the vanity unit under the basin or outside between the basin and the stack. Of the 3m run of pipe between the basin and the stack, approx. half is outside which means the closest I could make it would be 1.5 - 2m from the basin.
I would like to know if I can fit the AAV inside the vanity unit under the basin or outside between the basin and the stack. Of the 3m run of pipe between the basin and the stack, approx. half is outside which means the closest I could make it would be 1.5 - 2m from the basin.