After the rapture

10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
Followers of an Oakland radio minister who predicted that Saturday would mark the start of the world's last days waited in vain for a religious homecoming that never happened.

After driving from Maryland in the hope of being taken up to heaven in the Rapture with a crowd of fellow believers, Keith Bauer admitted his disappointment Saturday as he stood in a near-empty parking lot outside the locked Family Radio headquarters in Oakland.

"I was hoping," the 36-year-old trucker told reporters, who outnumbered believers at the grimy hub of worldwide speculation that Earth would end that very day at 6 p.m. "Heaven will be a lot better than this earth."

Cheer up's not the end of the world is it?
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It's funny though kev innit, these tossers are actually disappointed. :LOL:
Their leader will get over the disappointment, talk about crying all the way to the bank.

"In 2009, the nonprofit reported in IRS filings that it received $18.3 million in donations, and had assets of more than $104 million, including $34 million in stocks or other publicly traded securities."
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If someone wants the world to end, then there are many ways in which they could end it for themselves and save using valuable resources on a life that they'd rather not have.
If someone wants the world to end, then there are many ways in which they could end it for themselves and save using valuable resources on a life that they'd rather not have.
A communal incineration plant, might be the answer, throw yourself down the chute into the fiery furnace, and provide warmth for the community. :p :p
This "Rapture" business has been copied straight out of Star Trek Generations where it was called the Nexus. :) :) :)

On a more serious note, the evangelists are right, but what they forget is that the calendar has changed somewhat over the centuries so it's difficult to work out when the real date will be. :confused: :confused: :confused: The reason the world hasn't ended yet is that they're too early - by about five thousand million years. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
He made a mistake its now 21st October, that'll save money on fireworks and Christmas presents, every cloud has a silver lining.
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