Why is it that anyone posting any sort of question/remark pertaining to Gas,This Guy persistently dives in with his `tut, tut` attitude to remind/inform fully qualified grown up members that their posts would be better served posted in the `Combustion Chamber`?
Gas Engineers/fitters are big enough and clever enough to decide what and where to post. To the Gas personnel still posting in this part of the Forum, please keep it up. It`s informative and entertaining. (Especially my posts).
To Mr Agile, no one posting in this part of the Forum has, so far as I can tell given out any bad / dangerous advice regarding Gas. If the CC is a little underwhelming/boring feel free to join the party in here.
But please stop `advising`Engineers/fitters where you think they should/ should not post.
I`m sure the Mod`s can do their job quite efficiently without you barging in waving red flags around all over the shop totally unneccesarily.
It`s not your job. Thanks.
Gas Engineers/fitters are big enough and clever enough to decide what and where to post. To the Gas personnel still posting in this part of the Forum, please keep it up. It`s informative and entertaining. (Especially my posts).
To Mr Agile, no one posting in this part of the Forum has, so far as I can tell given out any bad / dangerous advice regarding Gas. If the CC is a little underwhelming/boring feel free to join the party in here.
But please stop `advising`Engineers/fitters where you think they should/ should not post.
I`m sure the Mod`s can do their job quite efficiently without you barging in waving red flags around all over the shop totally unneccesarily.
It`s not your job. Thanks.