Firstly as you’ve carried out the test yourself, then you will know the smoke generated is concentrated within a specific area and dissipates within minutes of use, it doesn’t linger long enough to permeate into neighbouring properties but last long enough to pinpoint an area which is the cause of the draught, as shown in the YouTube footage; you will also be aware the smoke generated is odourless.
During the test, all intentional ventilation, such as trickle vents and extractor fans etc are sealed with tape.
As for ceiling voids and wall cavities, then surely, ceiling voids and wall cavities shouldn’t be causing a draught and may actual be the cause of the draught; also should smoke from the smoke generator enter the ceiling voids and wall cavities, it will dissipate within minutes.
If a smoke test has some benefits before the buildings are occupied then why not when occupied.
Neighbours will not be affected by loads of smoke entering their properties as the smoke generated is far less than the smoke generated by smoke screen burglar alarms, which impair visibility, which have been on the market for at least 10 years or more, and I don’t ever recall hearing an outcry of smoke screen smoke entering neighbouring properties during burglaries.
However, what did it cost for the air blower/air tightness smoke test, what was their certification for test and as the smoke test was ineffective, how did you eventually detect the draught in your property.