AMD Semperon vs Athlon

17 Apr 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I presently have a Semperon 3000+ 64 installed.

Is it worth a few £s to install an Athlon 3200+ 64?

RAM is 2GB PC3200
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The PC runs Linux/XP and I really only use it for internet stuff.

The motherboard only supports 2GB of RAM.

CPU is 500W
Semperon is the same as Celeron.. ie: cut down versions of the real McCoy

ie: half a brain (Maths co-pro removed iirc)

If you can get the cpu cheap enough then sure..why not. As to you actually seeing much difference in performance ..... ?

Unless you are doing heavy decoding (ripping cd/dvd's) or video rendering/ 3d modelling then I very much doubt you'd notice.
IMO youd be better off getting a completely new mobo etc if you want to upgrade, your going to see little improvement esp if your limited to 2gb.

I cant recall the last time I came across a mobo limited that much, in fact there is little point runnig a 64 bit system if your only in 2gb ram.
My PC has an old 64 bit motherboard which is limited to 2GB RAM.

For internet browsing and email, its adequate for me.
There's no point spending money on a machine that old. You just won't get a worthwhile improvement.

Semperon is the same as Celeron.. ie: cut down versions of the real McCoy

ie: half a brain (Maths co-pro removed iirc)

They don't have co-processors to begin with. This isn't 1982.
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