And another walks !!

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Peer wins plea over congestion penalty..


When does letting the 'establishment' off the hook, amount to discrimination against the man / woman in the street ? .... Guess 'the powers that be' have been wrong footing us, pCing us regards Johnny F ....
Whereas, really tis US getting the shaft. .. Nothing changes, much !
;) :D :D
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Lady Walmsley was served penalty notices worth £250 after an error over her car registration number, when she inadvertently mixed up letters from her new and old car.

She mixed up numbers of her new and old car? Riiiiiiight.

I hate the congestion charge system and think it has many shortcomings, but sorry love, it's your own fault. Problem lies between keyboard and chair, in IT parlance. :LOL:

If she's so ditsy she mixes up numberplates perhaps she shouldn't be driving or taking part in the running of the country? :rolleyes:

The only positive thing that has come out of this is that "someone who matters" has flagged up a problem in the system.
To be fair, anyone making an honest mistake shouldn't be penalised (and I gues that she doesn't get any particular kicks from paying the congestion charge for a car that she doesn't own and may not even exist for all I know) - Its just a pity that it needs to happn to a peer before anyone does anything about it, rather than the rest of us getting some drone from TfL explaining that the computer won't let him do anything and that we have to pay an extra £5 or get fined.
The woman paid the £10 CC (admitedly on a non existent number plate), then got fined £40, and then had the fine increased to £250.

A system that assumes guilt rather than checking to see if a mistake has occured somewhere first is in need of an overhaul - the scheme operators said the result was unfair because it would increase their costs in checking!

I think the TV programme Baliffs showed someone in a similar position, only his cheque had got lost in the post.
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pna said:
the scheme operators said the result was unfair because it would increase their costs in checking!

but they make the money fomr charging people to use the roads... which if they wernt there, people would still do
adam w said, The only positive thing that has come out of this is that "someone who matters" has flagged up a problem in the system.
just as well if it was me or you it wouldnt of made the times.